Naada Instruments
Getting Started with the Naada Instruments

All the Naada Instrument Previews

Naada String Instruments
- Carnatic Violin
- Naada Viola
- Naada Cello
- Naada Bass
- Erhu
- Gaohu
- Zhonghu
- Sarangi
- Sarod
- Sitar
- Pipa
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The Naada String instruments are based on physical models. See the help for each instrument for more details.
Common Parameters for all Naada String Instruments
Enable: Turn on/off processing for the instrument.
Bow Direction: Momentary change in direction of bowing.
Bow Position: Position of the bow along the string.
Bow Pressure: Starting bow pressure.
Bow Pressure Enable: Enable the use of Bow Pressure.
Coarse Tuning: Coarse tuning in semitones.
Polyphony: Allow polyphony. Only relevant in string mode and mono mode.
Ensemble Size: Number of voices in unison ensemble.
Ensemb Bow Pos Var: Variance in positon of the bow between voices in the ensemble.
Ensemble Tuning Variance: Variance in tuning between voices in the ensemble.
Expression: Bow velocity.
Lock String: Play future notes on the same string.
Fine Tuning: Fine tuning in cents (hundredths of a semitone).
Pizzicato Enable: Enable pizzicato (plucking) articulation.
Portamento Enable: Enable portamento (pitch-glide) transitions between notes.
Portamento Level: Amount of portamento based on note velocity. Velocity below this level will be legato.
Portamento Time: Duration of portamento.
Resonator Level (Sarangi Only): Volume level of the resonator
Staccato Enable: Enable staccato articulation.
Tremolo Enable: Enable tremolo.
Tremolo Level: Amount of tremolo.
Vibrato: Vibrato, as a combination of depth and rate.
Volume: Volume of the instrument. Linear (not dB).
Naada Veena Instruments
- Saraswati Veena
- Rudra Veena
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Common Parameters for all Naada Veena Instruments
Enable: Turn on/off processing for the instrument.
Enable Arpeggiator: Turn on/off Arpeggiation of the strum
Enable Curved Bridge: Turn on/off the use of a curve bridge that interacts with the strings.
Coarse Tuning: Coarse tuning in semitones.
Ensemble Size: Number of voices in unison ensemble.
Ensemble Tuning Variance: Variance in tuning between voices in the ensemble.
Expression: Note brightness.
Lock String: Play the next sequence of notes on the same string.
Pluck String: Pluck the string again on the current note. This could be momentary allowing for continuous plucking.
Pluck String: Location of the pluck along the lenght of the string.
Fine Tuning: Fine tuning in cents.
Legato: Enable Legato for Hammer On/Pull Off.
Portamento Enable: Enable portamento transitions between notes.
Portamento Level: Amount of portamento based on note velocity. Velocity below this level will be legato.
Portamento Time: Duration of portamento.
Strum: Strum the Veena Strings
Strum Pattern: Strum Pattern for the Veena Strings.
Strum Double: A Second strum occurs with the up position of the button
Strum Tuning: Tuning for the Strum.
Resonator Level: Level of the sympathetic strings resonator.
Vibrato: Vibrato, as a combination of depth and rate.
Volume: Volume of the instrument. Linear (not dB).
Naada Woodwind Instruments
- Bansuri
- Pan Flute
- Shehnai
- Nadaswaram
- Duduk
- Bass Clarinet
- Dizi
- Guan
- Suona
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Common Parameters for all Naada Woodwind Instruments
Enable: Turn on/off processing for the instrument.
Breath Noise: Amount of Breath Noise
Coarse Tuning: Coarse tuning in semitones.
Enable Polyphony; Allow polyphony. Only relevant in string mode and mono. On the Shehnai, one note can be used for the drone.
Ensemble Size: Number of voices in unison ensemble.
Ensemble Tuning Variance: Variance in tuning between voices in the ensemble.
Expression: Note strength.
Fine Tuning: Fine tuning in cents.
Flatten Reed Pitch (Shehnai and Duduk only): Flatten the pitch of the reed at Note On.
Flutter Enable: Enable flutter.
Flutter Level: Amount of flutter.
Hard Reed (Duduk only): Hard or soft reed.
Portamento Enable: Enable portamento transitions between notes.
Portamento Level: Amount of portamento based on note velocity. Velocity below this level will be legato.
Portamento Time: Duration of portamento.
Timbre (Shehnai and Duduk only): Filter for formant.
Vibrato: Vibrato, as a combination of depth and rate.
Volume: Volume of the instrument. Linear (not dB).
Wind Tongue Enable: Enable wind tonguing